Sunday, 28 May 2017

Zesty Lemon Playdough

Zesty Lemon Playdough

We love playdough here, and as far a playdough goes, there is nothing better than one that smells really scrummy

There are many benefits of playing with playdough not only is it creative and really fun, it also helps with fine motor skills as the children roll, squeeze, knead, pinch, pull, building up those little muscles in their fingers and hands ready for writing when the time comes.

I decided to make a lemon playdough, as I recently bought a lemon balm plant for a sensory tub in the garden, so I thought it would be a good idea to make some zesty lemon dough and incorporate some of the lemon balm leaves into the play.  NB.  Please note that lemon balm plant can sometimes give an allergic reaction to the skin, so please keep an eye on this.

I usually make the 5 minute non cook playdough, but I haven't been happy with the last few batches, so I decided to try another recipe I have.  It is done on the hob but was really quick and not as messy to make and it seriously is the most softest and pliable playdough.

If you want to give it a try, this is the recipe:-

200g Plain Flour
100g Salt
300ml Water
2tsp Cooking Oil
2tsp Cream of Tartar
Yellow Food Colouring (I used around 2 cap fulls)
Lemon Food Flavouring (I used around 1 cap full)

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl to make a 'batter' mix (I used an electric hand whisk to do this but you can just hand whisk yourself).  Add the mixture to a pan and heat gently, stirring constantly until it comes away from the sides of the pan and forms a dough like ball.  Take out of the pan and knead, like you would when making bread and that's it ... .  a lovely ball of soft, pliable lemon smelling playdough. Keep in airtight container (I also wrap the playdough in clingfilm) and it should last for a while and remain really soft.

Once I had finished the kneading, I then passed it onto the little peeps to play with.  I added various items for them to use including rolling pins, silicone cake cases, lemon balm leaves, grated lemon rind, fabric daisies and small bamboo sticks.  One of the little peeps disappeared into the playroom and came back with a little microwave to use as an oven and then they set to work.

Look at these fab little cakes, each one was put individually into the microwave. Lemon rind was added as sprinkles (which made them smell even more delicious), abit of lemon balm leaf for decoration, a daisy and bamboo sticks as candles.  I'm sure we will revisit this activity at some point soon as it was enjoyed by all.  To extend this activity, I've promised the little peeps we will make some 'real' lemon cakes soon.